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Multi-Family Case Studies
"The Proof is in the Pudding!"

The following properties participated in a grant program partially funded by the Department of Energy (DOE) that focused on comprehensive energy efficiency measures in partnership with Austin Energy's Multi-Family program.  Each property had a third party RESNET rater perform test-in/test-out verifications.  The data reflects comprehensive duct sealing and thermal boundary measures.  Note:  ACH stands for Air Changes per Hour, CFM stands for Cubic Feet of Air Flow per Minute.

The Enclave

Square Footage:  48,842
Year Built:            1982
# of Units:            90


Test-In Avg Total Duct Leakage:  171 CFM = 28% leakage

Test-Out Avg Total Duct Leakage:  50 CFM = 8% leakage


Test-In Avg Duct Leakage To Outside:  107 CFM = 18% leakage

Test-Out Avg Duct Leakage To Outside:  28 CFM = 5% leakage

Test-In Avg ACH:  10
Test-Out Avg ACH:  8


South Congress Commons

Square Footage:  21,099
Year Built:             1979
# of Units:             68


Test-In Avg Total Duct Leakage: 500 CFM = 63% leakage

Test-Out Avg Total Duct Leakage: 38 CFM = 5% leakage

Test-In Avg Duct Leakage To Outside: 338 CFM = 42% leakage

Test-Out Avg Duct Leakage To Outside: 24 CFM = 3% leakage

Test-In Avg ACH:  11
Test-Out Avg ACH:  6

Austin Gardens

Square Footage:  75,000
Year Built:             1979
# of Units:             150


Test-In Avg Total Duct Leakage:  334 CFM = 55% leakage

Test-Out Avg Total Duct Leakage:  78 CFM = 12% leakage

Test-In Avg Duct Leakage To Outside:  199 CFM = 31% leakage

Test-Out Avg Duct Leakage To Outside:  57 CFM = 9% leakage

Test-In Avg ACH:  14
Test-Out Avg ACH: 7


Whisper Hollow

Square Footage:  150,160
Year Built:             1983
# of Units:             220


Test-In Avg Total Duct Leakage:  348 CFM = 41% leakage

Test-Out Avg Total Duct Leakage:  46 CFM = 6% leakage

Test-In Avg Duct Leakage To Outside:  254 CFM = 30% leakage

Test-Out Avg Duct Leakage To Outside:  27 CFM = 3% leakage

Test-In Avg ACH:  11

Test-Out Avg ACH:  8


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